Tuesday 3 September 2013

Things To Know When Buying Your First Home |Tale From Real Estate Professionals

Oh! The excitement of buying your first home is wonderful! It’s something you’ve worked toward for years, and now it’s about to happen! Are you certain you’re prepared for it? I’m not trying to frighten you, but there’s a lot that goes into that first home purchase, and Real-estate-yogi.com and I just want to make sure you’re ready. You don’t know about the consumer’s best friend website? Let’s just say that it was developed with regular people in mind, people who need some guidance when it comes to property purchasing and financing. Read on and see what you can learn from it.

Part of what to know when buying your first home is your credit score. Lenders base your interest rate on it, so it’s a wise move to know what it is. The lower your score, the higher your rate will be and vice versa, so it’s an important piece of information to have. According to Real-estate-yogi.com, the next thing to do is develop your housing budget. Whichever lender you go with – and you should definitely shop around – can tell you how much you can borrow, but you should really devise your own spending plan and tally your monthly income, subtract your usual expenditures, and decide how much you can comfortably spend on housing payments.

You should apply for pre-approval for a mortgage from several lenders, and then choose the best deal for what you’re looking to purchase. More buying first home tips from Real-estate-yogi.com include making sure to get pre-approval before house shopping; it saves a lot of time and trouble. Get an experienced realtor to help you through the home-buying process. She can help by knowing the neighborhood type you wish to live in and what’s available there for what prices. Make sure you feel comfortable with her; she can make the whole endeavor easier and more pleasant.

Lastly, but most importantly, be ready to compromise on your buying your first home checklist.” It may not be possible to get everything you want in a home in the neighborhood you desire at a price you can afford. Real-estate-yogi.com points out that you must decide what your priority is – to buy a particular type of house or to live in a particular area. It can be a tough choice, but it may become necessary to make it. Also, be sure to get the house inspected for any existing problems that should be addressed by the current owner.

See all the stuff www.real-estate-yogi.com can tell you? It’s a real lifesaver when you begin your search for your first home, and for any other property-related questions. Give the website a call at 1-1-800-987-1397 for a free consultation. You won’t regret it!

Tuesday 30 July 2013

What To Know When Buying Your First Home

Buying your first home can still be a charming and fulfilling experience. Many people find their first experience looking for an affordable home a bit discouraging. The main thing people underestimate is the long term financial commitment involved in buying a home. Unless you can afford to buy a home straight up with cash, you will be looking at mortgage plans.

These payment plans often last two or three decades which means the home owner will be grounded in the same spot for the life of the loan. For some people who have been transient due to their job this idea is unfeasible, or unrealistic. However, if buying a home is the right decision for you, all you need to figure out is the payment plan. Many homes are very adaptable and transformable, so consider your first home a long term project, and inspire yourself with its potential.
  • If you can afford a fixed rate mortgage loan you will be rewarded with a very secure loan that will rapidly help improve your credit score making it easier to take out loans for other financial endeavors.
  • Adjustable rate mortgage loans offer low initial down payments, and for the first few years of the loan the monthly payments will be lower than a fixed rate. Eventually the interest rates will go up making payments more expensive than a fixed rate loan.
  • Get in touch with a real estate agent local to the area where you intend to move. Visit the area for a few days and ask yourself: Is it close to work? Is it safe? Are the good schools and forms of entertainment? Can I afford this?
Getting Professional Help

What’s the first step in buying a home? In your case it’s probably advisable to visit a real estate agency. You can also do some online research to see what’s available. Remember, most everything is going to seem really expensive to begin with. However, this is an “asking price”. In the same way you might haggle over a car, a house is a negotiable product. Polish up your people skills and you could potentially be on your way to a great deal. But you need to decide how you are going to pay for this home.

Choosing Between The Adjustable Rate Or The Fixed

Although adjustable rate mortgages are more popular worldwide, in the United States more people pursue fixed rate mortgages because the payment plan stays the same throughout the life of the mortgage. The month to month payments you make on the mortgage will be the same in year one as they will be in year thirty, as long as you make them on time. The first steps to buying your first home will come with a choice to either pursue a fixed rate mortgage or an adjustable rate mortgage. Adjustable rate mortgages are often intriguing because the monthly payments are low to begin with and you won’t have to put as much money down towards the principal at the beginning. However after a certain amount of time, usually 3, 5, or 7 years the payments will be adjusted up to whatever the lender says the rates are. So you might be stuck paying really high monthly payments.

The steps for buying your first home don’t have to be so daunting. The experts at www.real-estate-yogi.com can walk you through all your first steps in buying your first home. Visit their website or call them directly at 1-800-987-1397.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Information About The 1st-Time Home Buyers’ Grant

Several years ago, my husband and I went looking for our first home. We didn't have a lot of money to put down, but when we found the house, I was determined to purchase it. I spoke to a friend of mine, asking for her input into where I could find financing sources, and she suggested going to Real-estate-yogi.com. This free consumer resource website was amazing! I learned all about the options available, including first home buyers grants. Let me share some of what we learned.

First time home buyers grants are monies that can be applied to the down payment for or closing costs of a first home. Real-estate-yogi.com points out that the grants do not need to be repaid, which is an enormous help to those with little money but excellent credit scores. The way they work differs from grant to grant, with a common thread being that you have to live in the house; you can’t purchase a rental property with the grant. Some of the grants may require that you live in the home for a certain number of years before you can sell it; if you choose to sell it before that time has elapsed, you’ll have to pay some fees and/or repay the grant.

To qualify for a first home buyer grant, you must not have owned a home before, although some grants do allow this if it was in the very distant past. Real-estate-yogi.com notes that you must also have a specific income. Believe it or not, this is one time that not having a lot of money actually helps you. Each income limit is based on the area in which the house is and how large a family is. Also, some grants are meant to encourage neighborhood development, so if you’re looking for a fancy house in an upscale area, you may not qualify for those grants.

Getting a first home buyers grant can sometimes be done through local resources. Real-estate-yogi.com recommends that you talk to a licensed realtor, as he may have listings of homes for sale in the area in which you’d like to live. You should definitely check out HUD’s website for state programs and grants that can help with the purchase of a first home. Sometimes you will have to fill out the application for the grant, but other times, it must be filled out by a lender for you, and you have to have a house selected first. 

I found Real-Estate-Yogi.com to be very user-friendly and informative, just as my friend had promised. If you have questions relating to financing for your first home, give the knowledgeable staff there a call at 1-800-987-1397 for a free initial consultation. You’ll be glad you did.

Monday 24 June 2013

Smoothing the Way for First Time Home Buyers!!

So you think you’re ready to purchase your first house, huh? It’s pretty exciting, isn’t it? I thought so when I got my first house, and I still think so now. Buying your first home indicates your maturity level, whether you’re in your 20s or your 40s. It shows that you’re ready to be a responsible, serious homeowner, and that’s a big thing. Let me ask you, have you gone online to Real-estate-yogi.com yet? If you have, good for you! If you haven’t, you really should. This cost-free website has answers to just about every property-related financial question you can think of, and it was enormously helpful when I began searching for my first house. Let me share some of what I learned.

One of the wisest things Real-estate-yogi.com taught me was to prepare a “buying your first home checklist” prior to getting into the hunt for my dream home. This checklist included information about why I wanted to buy a home, going through my finances thoroughly and being aware of just how much home I could handle, and getting familiar with the process of obtaining a mortgage, among other things. It also pointed out that looking at the house at different times of the day could make a difference in my desire to purchase it. One reason for this is that the bay window in the front of the house that looked so cool at 2 in the afternoon could be a voyeur’s dream at night, if you get what I’m saying. Another point on my checklist was to understand the purpose of a home inspection and to learn all I could about the procedure of it. All of this advice was invaluable to me, and it can be to you, too.

Make sure you learn every aspect of what to know when buying your first home. For example, looking through the recent local news archives can tell you if your home is situated near a toxic lake or has tainted well water. Real-estate-yogi.com suggests that you speak with people who live in the neighborhood to find out if there’s an organization that sends out newsletters regarding what’s happening there. You should also quiz the current owners about any problems they had and how much general upkeep on the property cost them. Another wise piece of advice is to walk around and beyond the neighborhood to ascertain that it doesn’t lead into a waste management facility.

Real-Estate-Yogi.com is a font of buying your first home tips, as you can see. Visit the website or dial 1-800-987-1397 at your convenience. The site is operational all day, every day and there’s always trained personnel available to help you. Contact the site; you won’t regret it.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Understanding The Qualifications When You Purchase A Second Home!!

Are you thinking about buying a second home? If your purchase is for investment purposes you need to learn how to buy a second home to rent. While the process is the same for the most part, the qualifications are somewhat more stringent. You don’t want to make the mistake many people do (myself included) and think just because the home will secure the loan that you are guaranteed approval. It’s much easier to buy a home in which you are going to live with bad credit than one for investment purposes.

Your First Home and Credit Score

It’s exciting to think about buying your first home, but before you make that step you need to think about your credit and how it might affect your dreams. No, this doesn’t mean buying your first home with bad credit is impossible, but it does mean you will have to find a lender who is willing to work with you in order to make your dream of home ownership come true. You can find a great deal of information on the Real-Estate-Yogi.com website, but some of the things you can learn from Real Estate Yogi include:
  • How to find lenders willing to work with buyers with less than perfect credit
  • Learning what interest rate you can expect to pay based on your credit score
  • Researching lenders within the market to locate the best terms
  • Becoming pre-approved when you have bad credit
  • Cleaning up your credit report in order to obtain a better interest rate
Another thing you should do and something I learned the hard way is to know what is on your credit report before you begin applying for a home. This gives you an idea what to expect, and you won’t be shocked. Take some time to fill out the online contact information form so you can speak with one of the Real-Estate-Yogi consultants before you begin looking. Once you fill out the form someone will contact you immediately.

Following the Right Steps

There are specific steps to buying first home that you should expect. What I did was put together a list for myself so I wouldn’t forget anything. I also obtained a copy of my credit report and viewed it for accuracy; I even found a couple of things I didn’t know were there and cleared those up since they were small balances. You have to assess your own situation and do what you can afford, but trust me, having this information at my disposal made the process a whole lot easier.

Second Home Purchases

One of the hardest steps to follow when you purchase a second home is making sure your first home sells prior to the sale of your second home. Sometimes this can be difficult especially in the current economy. My brother actually ended up renting his primary residence in order to move to his second home because it didn’t sell. Fortunately for him he had the income to support the decision because the bank wouldn’t accept the rental income as part of his total gross income even with a lease on the house.

Buying a first home can be a scary process, and many young people and even those in their 30s buying for the first time can become frustrated. Take a minute to visit www.real-estate-yogi.com and take advantage of the wealth of information that appears on the website. Another resource you will find extremely helpful is the free database of over 200,000 lawyers and financial experts located all across the country. Do you have questions you would like to ask? Just pick up the phone and call 1-800-987-1397 to schedule a free consultation with one of the thousands of experts. 

Sunday 7 April 2013

What To Know When Buying Your First Home With Bad Credit

I was young and in love. I started having real visions of where I wanted my life to be ten, twenty years from now. We both wanted a home, but unfortunately neither of us had good credit. Actually, my credit score was pretty bad, and all I had heard throughout my brief adult life was that you needed a good credit score to get a mortgage to pay for a home. I certainly wasn't in any position to buy a home without a loan, so I had to find someone who knew how to buy your first home with bad credit.

How we figured things out

Together we sat down and started doing some research on if it was even possible. Here are some tips on buying your first home with bad credit that we learned.
  • Payday loans. These are loans that do not affect your credit score unless you don’t repay them. They are great for quick cash in the event of unexpected situations.
  • Brokers. A broker might be able to match you with a lender that regularly works with bad credit loans. Mortgage brokers usually know a variety of mortgage lending companies and banks. They often can find a match for people from all credit backgrounds.
  • Find someone to cosign. Find someone who has good credit. Most people choose a family member, friend or acquaintance. The cosigner agrees to take on the responsibility of the loan if you cannot make the payments. Because your name is on the mortgage your credit score will improve dramatically simply by making the payments on time. Then you will be able to look for loans without a cosigner.
  • Offer collateral. This is property you can offer a lender as a form of down payment towards getting a loan. Homes are the most common form of collateral but people often use their cars as collateral to get loans, and businesses will sometimes use their machines or expensive equipment to get business loans. Collateral will give a lender confidence the loan will be repaid in full.
Being young we didn't have much in the way to offer for collateral, though that may have been our first choice otherwise. Buying our first home with bad credit was going to take some creativity. We looked a bit deeper into payday loans and tried to think of a way to possibly take out a loan, and also work with a broker to find a lending company that works with people with low credit scores.

Putting my plan to work

My plan was to get a payday loan and use that to help pay off a bad credit mortgage. I learned that payday loans are short term and are made strictly based on your ability to repay the loan. My fiance would do the same thing, and together we’d get a temporary boost in our initial investment power. Credit reports are generally not checked in this situation either, and unless we didn't pay back the loan, it wouldn't affect our credit score.

We were able to find a great broker through a website called www.real-estate-yogi.com. He had helped much first time home buyers find loans in the past, and it wasn’t long till we were negotiating some prices on our first home. If you want some great advice and need to find a real estate agent, visit real-estate-yogi.com today, or call them for a free consultation at 1-800-987-1397.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

How to Buy a Home and Keep it!

I've been a real estate agent for a number of years now and have helped my fair share of people buy real estate and learn how to own homes. It can be both a rewarding profession and sometimes a heart breaking profession. Sometimes I have to tell people there's very little I can do to help them afford a home. Other times I get to celebrate with them in the joy of owning their first home as a family.

As anyone involved in the housing market will tell you, the times are changing. In many ways this is a great time to be a home buyer. All across America homes are being sold under their typical market value. As a stock broker might say, buy low, sell high. However with this advantage comes the pitfalls of a still unstable market. Important Things To Know When Buying Your First HomeIf you buy now, do you risk losing even more value? Let's take a moment to look at how most people will be able to afford a home and keep one in the first place.
  • Can you afford a home? Is it even financially feasible at this time? Look at the market where you are looking to relocate? Will there be a job there waiting for you that can possibly support paying a mortgage?
  • Most people need a mortgage loan in order to afford owning a home. What type of mortgage is best for you?
  • Once you do purchase a house, you should be prepared for the changing landscape of the financial world. There may come a day where you will need to refinance to meet the status of your economic condition. Will you be able to possibly negotiate bad credit mortgage refinancing?
  • Where will you find the help necessary to learn more about the real estate world and the many avenues people take to own a home?

Is now a good time to buy?

First, take a look at your financial situation? Are you still living paycheck to paycheck? If so it might be a good idea to rethink the thought of owning a home. However, if you are determined to own a home soon, there are ways to make it happen, even with a lower income scale. Look at the available real estate in the neighborhood where you'd like to live. Is it trending upward? Or are housing prices steadily decreasing. It might be a poor decision to move to a neighborhood that people are slowly evacuating over time.

Adjustable verse Fixed

What type of mortgage is best for you? Typically the two most common involve adjustable mortgage rates, and fixed rate mortgages. If you are a first time home owner you probably want to explore the market for the lowest fixed rate mortgages you can find first. These typically are more stable and make more sense for the home owner who fully intends to pay off the mortgage in full one day. People who don't intend to own a home for a very long time tend to lean towards adjustable mortgage rates because they don't require as much of a down payment and are easier to initially pay. However the interest rates eventually will increase substantially after a few years.

Once you do own a home it might be a good idea to explore the options available to you through home equity. Speak with a lender or real estate agency about finding the best rates for a home equity line of credit. With this extra money you one day will be able to invest in other areas of your life such as your children, business, or even back into your home. Contact Real-Estate-Yogi.Com today for more information by calling 1-800-987-1397.